Exercising voting rights is a fundamental part of MEAG's stewardship activities.
MEAG's processes take into account aspects of sustainability (ESG) as well as corporate governance.
MEAG is convinced that responsible management of a company is a key ingredient for the lasting and sustainable value growth of its investments. This is why it is so important to us to represent the interests and exercise the voting rights of our investors in stock companies. MEAG acts solely in the interests of the fund in question and its investors.
Using defined criteria, MEAG exercises shareholder voting rights by proxy for its investors, either directly or through the voting representative IVOX /GlassLewis. The criteria account for applicable laws, the analysis guidelines for shareholder meetings of the federal association for investment and asset management (Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management (BVI)) and the German Governance Code.
The principles found in the MEAG Co-Determination Policy (s. Internet) serve as the basis for enabling individualised and transparent decisions. This is why MEAG carefully analyses the items on the agenda before every vote in upcoming shareholder meetings.
MEAG exercised voting rights for 44 companies in 2020, voting only if >0.2% of the voting rights were held.
Here is the result of the vote pursuant to § 134b subs. 3 AktG (German Corporations Act).
MEAG exercised voting rights report 2020 (Pdf)