ISIN: DE0009757484
WKN: 975748
as at:

Investor's risk profile

Issue price

Redemption price

Change to previous day

Recommended holding period

Summary risk indicator

Morningstar overall rating™1

Scope rating1

Distribution type

funds with sustainability characteristics

Was bedeutet Nachhaltigkeit für den ERGO Vermögensmanagement Robust?

Der ERGO Vermögensmanagement Robust wird nach der EU-Offenlegungsverordnung als Produkt mit ökologischen oder sozialen Merkmalen (Artikel 8-Produkt) klassifiziert.

Umwelt (Environment)

  • Umweltschutz
  • effizienter Umgang mit Ressourcen
  • Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen
  • Ausschluss Atomkraft*
  • Vermeidung der Zerstörung natürlicher Lebensräume

Soziales (Social)

  • Gleichberechtigung
  • Achtung von Menschen- und Arbeitsrechten
  • Ausschluss geächteter, atomarer und konventioneller* Waffen
  • Ausschluss von Suchtmitteln* und Pornographie*

Unternehmensführung (Governance)

  • Korruptionsbekämpfung
  • Transparenz und aktiver Dialog mit den Unternehmen

Nähere Informationen zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie des Fonds, den verpflichtenden Umwelt- und Sozialmerkmalen und eine Auflistung aller Ausschlusskriterien finden Sie unter: Link (nachhaltige Offenlegung gem. Art. 10 Offenlegungsverordnung)

* Umsatztoleranz jeweils 5%


Investment strategy

The Fund's objective is to achieve attractive capital growth by investing in the European bond markets in the shorter maturity range. It invests in particular in good quality euro-denominated bonds with (remaining) maturities of up to 24 months. Depending on the market assessment, foreign currency bonds may be added. 



Performance of past 12 month periods (month end)


Past performance is not indicative of future returns.

Extended investment limits

Securities and money market instruments of the following issuers may exceed 35% of the fund assets; please refer to the sales prospectus for details.

Performance of past 12 month periods (month end)


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(absolute) (p.a.)
selected period:
(absolute) (p.a.)
selected period:
(absolute) (p.a.)
selected period:

What if?

Performance in the period of an investment of EUR in .

Investment period

Gross value development excluding a front-end load in the selected period. Past performance information is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Final amount:
Performance (gross) in the selected period: 
Average performance (gross) p.a.: 

Performance in the last 12-month periods

Period Gross Net
Stand vom:

Performance (gross)

Period Cumulated p.a.
Stand vom:

Information on performance

The gross performance (BVI method) takes into account all costs incurred at fund level (such as management fees). The net performance also takes into account the issuance fee, which reduces the performance. For an investment amount of 1,000 euros, the investor incurs a one-time issuance fee of 1.0% (= 9.90 euros) upon purchase. Since the issuance fee is only charged in the first year, the gross/net performances only differ in this year. The investor may incur additional securities account fees that reduce the performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Source: MEAG.
Note: On days that fall on a public holiday or a weekend, the price of the previous day or the last available price is used, as it is not possible to determine a price on these days.

Fund key figures

Average yield: %avIntRate%%
Average return: %avRoR%%
Average remaining term (in years): %avResidTerm%
Volatility³ p.a. (3 years): %3yVOL%%

as at: %Datefrom%

Master data

Fund name MEAG EuroFlex
Fund type European bond fund
Investor type  Stable
Unit class  -
ISIN DE0009757484
Date of issue / formation of the unit class 01.10.1992
Investment term  at least 1 year
SFDR category  Art. 6

Further fund data

Fund currency Euro
Fiscal year-end 31.03.
Fund manager Jakob Reithmann
Benchmark index 70% IBOXX EURO SOVEREIGN EZONE 1-3 Y.; 30% IBOXX EURO Germany Covered 1-3 Y. - TR
Use of profits  Distributed
Profit distribution date June
Partial tax exemption  -
Custodian BNP Paribas S.A., Niederlassung Deutschland
Savings plan suitable ja
Suitable for employee capital formation no
Swing pricing no
Guarantee no
Term unlimited
Sales authorisation Germany

Costs and fees

Current issuance fee 1.0%
Ongoing costs 0.37% (business year 2022/2023)
Current management fee p.a.  0.30%
Performance bonus  no

Target market data

Product category Retail fund (UCITS)
Sales channel Execution only | No consultancy required | Investment advisory services
Customer category Private customer | Professional customer | Suitable counterparty
Know-how and/or experience Suitable for investors with basic knowledge and/or experience of securities
Capacity to bear financial losses Investor can bear losses (no capital protection)
Risk assessment (SRI) 2
Investment target General capital accumulation/optimisation
Investment horizon Short term (1-2 years)
Special requirements -

Past awards are not a reliable indicator of future performance and awards. Capital: The award refers to the fund company MEAG. Morningstar Overall Rating (TM) and Scope as at 31.10.2023. Data source - © Morningstar. Scope Analysis GmbH. All rights reserved. More at

2 Benchmark index:
Find out more about the composition of the benchmark index in the "Data" tab.

Data source – © Morningstar. All rights reserved. As at: 31.10.2023